


International interest is growing in EPINET—the Early Psychosis Intervention Network—established by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (part of the National Institutes of Health [NIH]). 签名程序, which helps to advance first episode psychosis (FEP) research and treatment, 引起了英国的注意, 加拿大, 澳大利亚, and Sweden among other countries following 趣赢平台’s presentations on EPINET in July at the 14th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health (IEPA14) in Lausanne, 瑞士.

Now 趣赢平台 researchers are helping these countries learn more about EPINET and the possibilities of international collaboration on data collection and analysis. EPINET has garnered this attention because it is well understood that providing effective services earlier to young people with early psychosis can significantly improve life trajectories for them.

“These 4 countries are interested in EPINET because it is unique and successful,亚伯拉姆·罗森布拉特说, 博士学位, 副总统 for 行为健康 and Health Policy who oversees the EPINET National Data Coordinating Center (ENDCC), 韦斯特建立了什么坐标. Rosenblatt解释说,EPINET连接了8个区域科学中心, 遍布17个州的100多个早期精神病诊所, 和ENDCC通过标准的临床措施, 统一的数据收集方法, 数据共享协议, and integration of client-level data across service users and clinics. 它还与客户及其家人合作, 临床医生, 医疗保健管理人员, and scientific experts to improve early psychosis care and conduct large-scale, 基于实践的研究.


“特别, 我们正在帮助这些国家了解我们的收集方式, 结构, 协调数据, how we use the data to better inform the practice of early psychosis intervention, and how we deal with fragmentation because we don’t have a uniform health system such as the ones that exist in 加拿大 and England,罗森布拉特说. 他补充说,韦斯特在IEPA14上发表的演讲包括, 第一次, 流程的详细信息, 机会, and the challenges 趣赢平台 faces across a diverse group of regional hubs and programs.

Rosenblatt is hoping that the creation of uniform measures to consolidate data across countries to advance FEP work is not too far in the future, adding that there is an international movement around this issue and “EPINET is an important part of this movement.”

Rosenblatt’s presentation at IEPA14 focused on the development of the Core Assessment Battery (CAB), which is the common data collection instrument used by over 100 EPINET FEP programs. 他描述了CAB的演变, 基于web的CAB的开发, the virtual desktop for analyzing consolidated CAB data known as the Analyst Zone, 缩写CAB (MiniCAB), which is a practical option for adoption by EPINET-affiliated programs in the community.

Sushmita Shoma Ghose用

趣赢平台的Sushmita Shoma Ghose用也出席了会议, 博士学位, 行为健康和健康政策副主任. She highlighted the milestones and factors that marked the growth of the early psychosis programs in the U.S. 并描述了他们的特点. 她还强调说,美国的每个州都有法律.S. has a plan for supporting FEP programs, and over 350 programs currently operate across the nation.


Preethy乔治, 博士学位, 趣赢平台首席研究员, delivered the third presentation focused on the data from the EPINET Program Level Core Assessment Battery (PL-CAB), 每年对EPINET FEP项目进行管理. The PL-CAB collects information on the number of 临床医生 working with clients, 项目资金, 提供的服务, 入学标准, 以及这个项目的治疗模式. 这个信息, 她说, can be combined with client data collected in the Core Assessment Battery (CAB) to help define which program factors make a difference in client outcomes.

Rosenblatt says he welcomes more international interest in EPINET and will continue to work towards collecting a common set of data elements across countries. “This will enable EPINET researchers to increase the statistical power of analyses to answer important treatment questions and inform the delivery of care,他补充道.



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